Guoyang Cheng
Title: Professor & PhD adviser.
Education qualification:
²PhD in electrical engineering, National University of Singapore(NUS),2006;
²Master in control engineering, Tsinghua University, 1995;
²Bachelor in information systems, National University of Defense Technology (China), 1992.?xml:namespace>
Computer control technology (bilingual , undergraduate level) ;
Adaptive control (graduate level)
Research interests:
Control engineering and automation, power electronics & mechatronics systems.
Recent publications:
[1]Lu T, Cheng G*. Expanded proximate time-optimal servo control of permanent magnet synchronous motor, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2016, 37(4):782-797.
[2]Cheng G*, Huang Y. Disturbance-rejection composite nonlinear control applied to two-inertia servo drive system. Control Theory & Applications, 2014, 31 (11): 1539-1547
[3]Cheng G*, Hu J. An observer-based mode switching control scheme for improved position regulation in servomotors, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2014, 22(5): 1883-1891.
[4]Cheng G*, Hu J. Robust proximate time-optimal servomechanism with speed constraint for rapid motion control, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2014, 30(4): 379-388.
[5]Cheng G*, Peng K, Chen B and Lee T, Discrete-time mode switching control with application to a PMSM position servo system, Mechatronics, 2013, 23 (8):1191-1201.
Email: cheng@fzu.edu.cn
Address:College of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350116,China.